Our work is financed by donations and we are therefore very grateful if you help us in this way to pass on the Gospel in a very practical way.
Possibilities of financial support
- Donation for the general work of DIGUNA
- Donation for the maintenance of an employee at DIGUNA
- Donation for a special project
The type of donation can be specified as the purpose of the transfer. If you are not sure, you can find out more about our general work, staff or individual projects on our homepage. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone, e-mail or in person.
Online donation
Thank you to all the friends who are on the journey with us through prayer and gifts!
DIGUNA e.V. is recognized as a non-profit and charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible. Please give us your first and last name and complete address so that we can issue a donation receipt.
DIGUNA is a member of the umbrella organization of evangelical mission societies AEM (Arbeitsgemeinschaft evangelikaler Missionen e.V.) and has voluntarily and bindingly committed itself to the donation principles.
Our bank details
VR Bank Lahn-Dill
IBAN: DE31 5176 2434 0019 0451 02
Sparkasse Dillenburg
IBAN: DE53 5165 0045 0000 0886 58
Bank details Switzerland
Account holder: SMG
Bank details: Swiss Post – PostFinance
IBAN: CH92 0900 0000 8004 2881 3
Please use the following purpose for donations from Switzerland:
“Employee or project + DIGUNA”