Aru/ Congo – We gratefully celebrated 5 years of children’s radio this spring. We hope to be more creative in preparing programs that are more inviting for children and families unfamiliar with the Gospel. We often fall into a classic Sunday School style that seems strange to children unfamiliar with the church.
Radio Ministry/ Kenya – We thank God for safe transport of radio tower sections and accessories in Bomet-South Rift. Let’s pray for safety for the technical team as they begin to do concrete work for the tower foundations.
Arua/ Uganda – We are grateful for our small team that works closely together in Arua. Pray for continuing good relationships as we can grow together in our faith and we reach out to make Jesus known.
Haiger/ Germany – We are grateful that we were able to renew a balcony and thus a part of the roof of one of our houses. Preparations are now underway for the Kenya container, which will be packed in the coming months. We also plan to complete work on the loading ramp. Please pray for success as we prepare for and complete these projects.
Mbagathi/ Kenya – Our leaders occasionally have a chance to interact with leaders of AIC Kenya. Pray that God will always grant them wisdom during these interactions as they encourage the good relationships there.
DIGUNA – Join us in thanking God for all the support we receive through prayer, gifts, encouragement, and practical help. We love passing these blessings along to others to whom we minister.
Aru / Congo – In August/September events for single mothers will be held on Sundays at six central locations in our church district. The diverse needs of these women were highlighted at a multiplier training course in July. Please pray that Cecile and Bärbel, under Jesus’ guidance, can give the women good, biblical encouragement and direction.
Haiger/ Germany – We are delighted to welcome Hanna Geduldig, who will support our administration beginning today. Let us pray for much joy as she adjusts and integrates into the team successfully.
Moundou/ Chad – At the beginning of this month, Christine finishes her time in Chad and returns to Germany. The optics work that she has set up over the past few years will now continue in African hands. Please pray for Christine to settle smoothly back into Germany and that the three staff members continue the optical work effectively.
Mbagathi/ Kenya – We thank God for the team retreat and August youth and sports ministries. We held these events back-to-back within a span of three weeks. We thank God for strength and enough grace for the entire team.
Tinderet/ Kenya – Today, Family Rösel will fly back to Kenya from their furlough in Germany. We pray for a safe journey and a good adjustment to life, school, and work upon their return.
Haiger/ Germany – Another information seminar is taking place today. We pray for open hearts of those who are interested and that some will be called into missionary service.
Ngechek/ Kenya – On a regular basis we go to Pokot to evangelize in rural areas. People get saved and, therefore, the need for pastors rises. In two places we will hold pastors’ trainings. Pray for these trainings to bear fruit and for churches to be strengthened.
Arua/ Uganda – From 8th until 13th September, a campaign will take place in Terego. Please pray for the hearts of people, to receive Christ and find a home and family in the church.
DDT/ Kenya – Today, students arrive for the 10-week Discipleship Course. Please pray for safe journeys and that we will have a good fellowship together. Thank you.
Mbagathi/ Kenya – Our team will be joining the interstation ministry to Ileret. This will be an intense time of ministry as we hope to put up two church structures as well as encourage the brothers and sisters from the Dasanach tribe. Pray with us as we take part in this ministry opportunity.
Lodwar/ Kenya – Last month we visited many homes as we considered new children to accept into our TCCP orphans’ project. Let us pray for wisdom, discernment and unity in the selection process.
Aru/ Congo – The Lingala Bibles in our last delivery have all been sold. Though there is still a great need, there are currently no Lingala Bibles being printed in Congo. Please pray that God will provide for Bible printing to begin again.
Ngechek/ Kenya – Our great desire for the children on our station is to build a personal and strong relationship with God and live a life according to God’s standards. Pray with us for wisdom for the whole team, and especially for the home parents, as together we guide the children along their way.
Tinderet/ Kenya – For our German children, a new school year starts in September. We pray that the new teachers will get their work permits so they can come on time. We also pray for the children to understand their lessons well and enjoy the learning process.
Arua/ Uganda – Thank God with us for the ministry opportunities made available to us in August. We are grateful for many open doors at churches, kids’ camps, and in a refugee camp.
Radio Ministry/ Kenya – Let’s pray for God’s protection as the technical team plans to travel again and build a 60M Radio tower in Bomet. We trust the Lord that new souls will come to know Him from the radio broadcasts and that Christian fellowships will be established.
Mbagathi/ Kenya – In the last few weeks, some of our long-term team members (Laurine, Victor, and Laura) transitioned from Diguna to future endeavours. We thank God for the long period they served in God’s ministry and pray His blessings on them.
Moundou/ Chad – This month, Simon L. will be joining our team as a learning assistant. We are delighted that he will be taking over the lessons for our son Noah. Please pray for a good familiarisation with the country and his tasks as a learning assistant.
Tinderet/ Kenya – Today we will have a special day for our team. We will come together, worship God and discuss issues concerning his Word and our lives. Pray for joy and the right motivation for our whole team as we build God’s Kingdom together.
Haiger/ Germany – This weekend our come-back meeting will take place for our short-term and long-term travellers who have returned to Germany during the year. We pray for a good time together and a valuable exchange, so that all experiences can be processed and this time is a blessed one.
Mbagathi/ Kenya – Last month we took a two-day VBS program to Mai-Mahiu where the terrible flooding happened a few months ago. We thank God for providing this time. Let us pray for pastor Dickson as he continues to nurture his recovering congregation.
Lopit/ South Sudan – We are delighted that we will have a learning assistant, Lisa, for our missionary children beginning next year. We pray that another learning assistant will be found to support and accompany Lisa.
Ngechek/ Kenya – We thank God for our station leaders, Amos and Rudi. Please pray with us that they stay focused on the Lord, so our station’s ministry will continue to be a blessing to many.
Radio Ministry/ Kenya – We thank God that the technical team safely and successfully replaced new solar batteries, installed a file server and configured the studio computers. This will make the broadcast operations work more smoothly in Samburu/ North Kenya.
Aru/ Congo – We are grateful for our evangelistic trips that have taken place in recent months. We especially pray that those who responded to the call to return to Jesus will become firm in their faith and will be a good spiritual encouragement in their churches.
Tinderet/ Kenya – This month, there will be a new intake of students for all courses in our Rainbow Polytechnic School. We ask God to send the right students and pray that they will work well with the teachers and other staff.
Mbagathi/ Kenya – We thank God for the new families who have joined us in the last months. We pray they will settle in quickly and become a wholesome part of the team chemistry.
Arua/ Uganda – For various reasons, some of our planned campaigns are being cancelled at the last minute. We pray that God helps us work well with the churches to plan future outreaches at the right time and in the right places.
Lodwar/ Kenya – We thank God for the families who care for orphans besides their own children. Please pray that the support and trainings we offer will be a blessing and encouragement to them.
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