Lodwar/ Kenya – Two boys of our TCCP orphan’s project finished high school and are now doing volunteer service in the church and school in remote Nachuro. Pray that this will be a time for them to mature and learn many vital life lessons.
Haiger/Germany – We are happy about our new part-time co-worker, Tim Fischer. Since the beginning of this month, he has been reinforcing the administrative team in Haiger. Please pray for a good settling in and familiarization with his new tasks.
Ngechek/ Kenya- Every day we are in contact with people from our neighborhood. Some of these neighbors are casual workers in DIGUNA. Please pray with us that those who are not yet God’s children can be saved, that those who are already saved can grow spiritually and that we will be a testimony of God’s grace to all.
DIGUNA – Let us continue to pray for some of our missionaries and staff who are seriously ill. May they experience the Lord’s encouragement and healing touch.
Tinderet/ Kenya – We have 2 teams out at the same time. One is doing house-to-house evangelism in Baragoi/Samburu. The other does school ministry in our area. Please pray for the teams and that those remaining on the station are able to keep everything running smoothly.
Lodwar/ Kenya – We are grateful for the faithful ministry of Reverend Job K. who has been teaching a group of Turkana men in Naoting for the past few years. Now, there are more than 10 who are ready to be baptized. Praise the Lord with us for this.
Aru/ Congo – In 2025, we as the Aru team have evangelism and discipleship on our hearts. We want to rethink where and how we can work together with the local church to implement Christ-directed programs. Please pray that we will find a common path and for God to open doors for us.
Radio Ministry/ Kenya – We are thankful for God’s safety for Benji while he was in Tanzania, and for the 13 successful meetings he had across the country with several radio stations that are airing systematic Bible teachings.
Arua/ Uganda – In January, we installed a new lithium battery and solar panels for the radio. Our prayer is that these upgrades will help the radio to run more efficiently and to save some costs on electricity.
Ngechek / Kenya – About 100 children are taken care of within or by DIGUNA Ngechek. Every child has a sponsor, who pays for their upkeep as well as for their schooling. We want to thank God, who inspires people to give and for God’s blessings on the sponsors.
Mbagathi/ Kenya – Our team members support local churches around our station especially in Sunday Schools, Bible studies and pastoral ministries. Pray that the Lord will continue encouraging them to serve faithfully, and to challenge the churches towards missions.
Tinderet/ Kenya – Since the changes began in the school system, we now can run Grade 9 for the first time in our Rainbow school. We still lack some materials and equipment as well as some specialised teachers. We pray that the start-up will be as smooth as possible for the teachers and the pupils.
Lopit/ South Sudan – We are continually experiencing violent clashes with neighboring tribes. Some of the clashes involve theft of livestock or weapons. Mostly, however, there are purposed attacks with people killing others in order to avenge the death of a member of their own tribe. Please pray that reconciliation becomes possible and this vicious cycle can be broken.
Moundou/ Chad – Last month, we are very grateful that a new radio station went on air. We are also thankful for the many hard-working helpers who have supported us in recent times, when there has been so much going on.
TMT Coast Team/ Kenya – Please pray for Jackson and Hussein, who recently completed their high school studies and are now participating in a course for young people at the DIGUNA Discipleship School. Pray that through this experience, they will grow in their understanding and knowledge of God, and become lights of faith and hope to their families.
Lodwar/ Kenya – We continue to receive more new children into our TCCP orphan’s program. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we visit families and work together with the local churches to select each new child.
Aru/ Congo – Three meetings with spiritual and practical lessons about family life were well received by single mothers. Pray that Cecile, who cares much about this work, will be able to continue meeting with these mothers to read and study the Bible.
Radio Ministry/ Kenya – We praise God for the opportunities to establish more new radio broadcasts in areas of Tanzania that have no Christian broadcast.
Ngechek/ Kenya – We have some team members from Germany, who are still waiting for their work permits. Soon their actual visas will expire. Pray with us, that the work permits might be issued soon, so that the team members might not have to travel back to Germany before the expected time.
Tinderet/ Kenya – We are praying for Frances, a 14-year-old girl in our Rainbow Home. She had a stroke last November and is slowly recovering from it. Her right side is paralysed, she does not talk and needs help in everyday life. We also pray for the home parents to have patience, love and strength.
DIGUNA – The Field Council meetings with all the DIGUNA leaders are taking place from 18th to 20th this month. Pray for good sharing, sound consultations and wisdom in all decision making. We also pray that the sessions will be an encouragement to the participants.
Arua/ Uganda – During dry season we usually do not have much water. The extra water tank we installed last year has already been very helpful. Please pray with us that we continue to get enough water from town for our daily use and that our tanks do not run dry.
Tinderet/ Kenya – We thank God for our agriculture workers. This month they will prepare the fields for planting. Please pray with us for the right weather and all the machines to work well.
Mbagathi/ Kenya – Our MIDIS (short termers) arrived at the beginning of this year. We pray that they will enjoy their time as they get integrated into the team and ministry.
Discipleship Training School/ Kenya – Today our students are leaving for two weeks of evangelistic outreach. The aim is to practically apply what they have learned in their lessons. But even more important, we pray for people to be led to Jesus as the students minister.
Haiger/ Germany – We thank our Lord for our new long-term missionary family Peter and Rebekka Maina, who will go to Mbagathi/Kenya and also for Tim Fuhrmann. Let us pray that their time in Haiger will give them a good start, and will prepare and equip them well for their new ministries.
Moundou/Chad – On our many trips through the country, we are repeatedly asked by police and army posts for copies of Christian tracts. Let’s pray for them to come to know our Lord through this literature.
Mbagathi/ Kenya – The workshop department still has many responsibilities that require specific skills and responsibilities. Pray that the Lord will keep them motivated especially as they deal with our old fleet.
Aru/ Congo – Today, as every Thursday, we hold a meeting for our Sunday School teachers. Together we discuss the Bible text for the coming Sunday, collect ideas for the application of the text, share songs, e.g. We do this with the hope that the teachers will be well equipped to adequately pass on God’s Word to the children and at the same time grow in loving God’s Word themselves.
Ngechek/ Kenya – Every day, we are in contact with people from our neighborhood. Some work with us daily at Diguna. First of all, we want to be a testimony to them, and we also pray that those who are not yet God’s children can get saved and those who are already saved can grow spiritually.
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