Vocational school in Tinderet
We train people to love Jesus and their job!
AIC DIGUNA Rainbow Vocational School is a faith-based applied technology training institution. It was founded in 2002 to provide quality education and support. We offer professional training and project development in Kenya. We are located in the district of Nandi in the sub-district of Tinderet.
The courses we offer are accredited by the Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority in the following areas: Masonry, Apparel Manufacturing, Welding and Fabrication, Carpentry and Joinery, Electrical, Plumbing and Barbering. We also carry out projects in the field of renewable energy (PV solar and hot water). All of these courses are offered to the general public who have the ability and interest in technical work. The school has produced more than 2000 technicians who are committed to building the nation and the economy of this country – this is our pride. If we didn’t exist, bridging the gap between lay technicians and trained technicians would not be, to some extent, our mission that we have dedicated ourselves to in this business. The school has a management structure that deals with the day-to-day running and development of the project.
Currently, a library is being built in the school and will be completed to meet the needs of the learners. Our goal is to expand the study and book room to enhance research and independent study skills. We also conduct staff training to be in the position required by the government. These are larger goals that we would like to tackle in order to facilitate a good working environment with our government.
The school relies on both volunteers and permanent staff to meet the needs of our target population, which is both male and female and consists of 18 staff members.